Ready or not, it’s back to school time!
Things to study up on this week:
- Speaker Joe Straus has appointed the following House members to the Texas Legislative Council: Representatives Dwayne Bohac (Houston), Travis Clardy (Nacogdoches), Helen Giddings (Dallas), Larry Phillips (Sherman), and Senfronia Thompson (Houston). Legislative Council assists the Legislature and related agencies with bill-drafting, research, publishing, document distribution, and technological support.
- The University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley has narrowed it down to 10 contenders in its search for a new mascot. How do you like the sound of the UT-RGV Mockingbirds? Bull Snakes? For a list of the 10 finalists, click here.
- There’s always a new restaurant opening in Austin, but we can’t forget about the oldies, but goodies. Zagat has published its guide to 8 Classic Austin Dishes to Rediscover. Did your tried and true favorite make the list?
Only in Austin…
Mark the end of summer with a dip in Barton Springs Pool. The pool is fed by underground springs and averages a cool 68-70 degrees. It’s an Austin favorite of locals and visitors alike. The story is a five-year-old Robert Redford learned to swim at Barton Springs when he was visiting family in Austin. Maybe he’ll decide to visit when you do!