Your candidates are…
The candidate filing period ended Monday after several twists and turns. At least 13 Texas House members will not be returning because of retirement or because of running for another office. At least one Texas Senator, maybe two, will not be returning because of congressional races. Seven members of Congress are also not returning to the U.S. House of Representatives. This link leads you to what continues to be our favorite spreadsheet of candidates. To read more…
From GLO to EPA.
Anne Idsal, the Texas General Land Office’s (GLO) Chief Clerk has been named the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regional administrator for region 6. Region 6 includes Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Previously, Idsal was general counsel at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). To read more…
We’re all ears.
What do you love/not love about the Mignon Memo? Let us know! We want this to be something fun and useful for you. This link will take you to a 1 minute survey. To read more…
Only in Austin…
Last night, the first light of the menorah outside of the Texas Capitol was lit. Chanukah continues through Wednesday, December 20th with an additional candle being lit each evening.