Top ranking Texas institutions of higher ed.
The 2019 U.S News & World Report rankings have two Texas universities in the top 50—Rice University at #16 and the University of Texas-Austin at #49. While not in the top 50, Southern Methodist University (#59), Texas A&M University (#66), and University of Houston (#171) all moved up from last year. To read more…
40 DAYS….
Until early voting begins for the November 6th General Election. Already registered? GREAT! Not registered in Texas? Request a postage-paid voter registration form here: The deadline for registration is October 9th. To read more…
Remember the Alamo.
As long as its heroically. A State Board of Education workgroup initially proposed removing the word “heroic” when describing defenders of the Alamo. The removal was part of the group’s work to streamline curriculum standards for social studies. After pushback from advocates, George P. Bush, and Governor Abbott, it appears “heroic” will stay on the books. A preliminary vote is Friday. To read more…
Remembering 9/11 in Austin: a memorial to honor fallen emergency services personnel.