With only a few days left, here’s where the most high-profile bills are in the process
Out of the over 7,000 bills filed during the 86th legislative session, so far only about 500 have passed (that’s around 7% for you math nerds out there). To see what’s happening with the biggest priority bills, check out this page from the Texas Tribune. Negotiations are still in the works for parts of the state budget, school finance and property tax reform.
With deadlines, pressure is mounting
To see what’s in store at the lege for the next few days, check out the deadline calendar here. Today is the last day for the both chambers to consider bills.
Bill raising the legal age for buying tobacco and e-cigarettes to 21 sent to Gov. Abbott
In an effort to curb teen e-cigarette use, SB 21 has passed both the House and Senate. The bill is supported by the makers of Marlboro cigarettes and Juul Labs, the largest e-cig manufacturer, as well as groups like the Texas Medical Association and other health advocates. Read more here.
Only in Austin…
Representative Dade Phelan gets a surprise visit from his family during the last days of session.