Presumptive Speaker of the Texas House Dade Phelan announces Julia Rathgeber as his Chief of Staff

Julia will formally assume this role on January 12, 2021, and has extensive experience working in and around the Texas Capitol.
The 87th Texas Legislature during Covid-19
For the time being the Texas Capitol building remains closed to the public—but what will happen when the 87th Texas Legislature convenes on January 12, 2021? Discussions are underway regarding how to safely conduct business during the pandemic for the upcoming legislature. Many committee hearings were postponed or canceled during the interim and others sought additional safety measures such as alternate hearing locations, installing plexiglass in committee hearing rooms, and accepting invited virtual testimony. The task force assembled by presumptive Speaker of the House Dade Phelan will make recommendations on how the legislature ought to conduct its business in 2021 during this global pandemic. There have been talks of rapid testing, limiting public access, or even an extended recess.
In the meantime, Capitol staff can purchase masks and hand sanitizers from the vending machines on Level E1.
Reuters – November 17, 2020: Pfizer to start pilot delivery program for its COVID-19 vaccine in Texas, three other states
Pfizer Inc has launched a pilot delivery program for its experimental COVID-19 vaccine in four U.S. states, as the U.S. drugmaker seeks to address distribution challenges facing its ultra-cold storage requirements. Pfizer’s vaccine, which was shown to be more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 based on initial data, must be shipped and stored at -70 degrees Celsius (minus 94°F), significantly below the standard for vaccines of 2-8 degrees Celsius (36-46°F). “We are hopeful that results from this vaccine delivery pilot will serve as the model for other U.S. states and international governments, as they prepare to implement effective COVID-19 vaccine programs,” Pfizer said in a statement on Monday.
Covid Fatigue Got You Down?

We are all in this together! Medical experts recommend limiting your exposure, social distancing, and wearing masks in the days leading up to the holidays if you will be gathering with your loved ones.

Stay vigilant with these easy to access coronavirus resources:
Texans Giving Thanks and Giving Back

Hunters can help Texans in need through Hunters for the Hungry
Most hunters are no stranger to sharing excess game meat with friends and family during hunting season, but fewer know that they can donate funds and surplus harvest to help feed their neighbors struggling with hunger and food insecurity.
Hunters for the Hungry is a statewide hunger relief program that provides venison to Texans in need. Since 1997, Hunters for the Hungry has given hunters a meaningful way to give back to their community and distributed over 10 million servings of venison to hungry Texans.

Hunters can help by:
Bringing your legally tagged, field-dressed whitetail or mule deer to a participating meat processor. There is no cost to you!
When you purchase your Texas hunting license, ask a store clerk or choose the option online to donate to Hunters for the Hungry.
Financially supporting the program with a monetary donation. All donations help Hunters for the Hungry promote their program and cover the costs of processing donated deer meat. Donate here today.
For more information on the program and how you can get involved here.
Texas Legislature: Bills Filed
Filed House Bills
87th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 11/17/2020
Number of Bills: 613
Filed Senate Bills
87th Legislature Regular Session
Report Date: 11/17/2020
Number of Bills: 176