“Who” is the newest addition to our office, you ask? Come by and meet Owly! He watches over our shoulder each day as we finish out this 2nd called Special Session!
March 8-17 is a busy time here in the ATX. While we are rockin’ and rollin’ at the Capitol, others are taking in the sights and sounds of Austin during the SXSW festival. We decided to wake up extra early today to enjoy a small taste of this week’s event! These people were in line at 3:30am this morning!!!
You can check out what it’s all about here: http://sxsw.com/ and maybe join in the fun next year!
A big “WELCOME to the Capitol city” goes out to all the doctors arriving for First Tuesday tomorrow morning! If you are at the Capitol building on the first Tuesday of each month during session, you will notice a sea of white coats flooding the Capitol halls as physicians make their legislative visits. Good luck, everyone, and have fun!